Louis Romano
YOU THINK I'M DEAD: Based on the True Story of The Boy in the Box
It's 1957. On a cold, February night, along a lonely road in Philadelphia, a little boy is found. DEAD. Someone still holds a secret. From HistoricMysteries.com "However, hope still remains as Court TV, 48 Hours and America's Most Wanted have featured this case on recent episodes.
Perhaps the lead everyone has been waiting for will present itself." Two main questions still abound, having left kind-hearted people around the world stumped.
#1 WHAT would be the motive for wanting this little boy dead?
#2 WHY hasn't this murder been solved all these years?
It was a simplistic time in the United States. Pre-Kennedy assassination, pre-landing on the moon, before Viet Nam, before Love-Ins, and unfortunately, before DNA testing.
Now it's 58 years later and Detective Vic Gonnella and Raquel Ruiz with their Type A personalities won't rest until the heinous injustice that was done to this little boy is exposed.
Follow them as they criss-cross the country to conduct interviews and tear apart clues left cold in the police files of the Philadelphia Police Department.
As clues and leads are followed, Detective Gonnella and Raquel find themselves continuously detoured by people's secret, double lives.
YOU THINK I'M DEAD is the second in the detective Vic Gonnella series with INTERCESSION being the first.