Thank you for purchasing an ebook via our website. You can download your eBook using the link provided in the email sent to you after payment. Once downloaded, it will be in your computer's download folder. It will be in the document folder if you downloaded it on your iPad. Here are some options for what to do after downloading.


Reading your purchased book via your e-reader.

You can download your purchased eBook to your computer or laptop and use specialized software, such as Calibre, to convert it to your e-reader.

Calibre is a powerful and easy-to-use e-book manager. Users say it’s outstanding and a must-have. It lets you to do nearly everything and takes things a step beyond normal e-book software. It’s also completely free and open source and great for both casual users and computer experts.

For more about Calibre press here.


Reading on your tablet or iPad

When you want to read your purchase on your tablet, ensure that it has a general eBook app that lets you add the book from your download folder or documents without constantly searching for it. Additionally, the app should allow you to save your progress in the book.

Today, a lot of general eBook apps are on the market. Check your app store for the possibilities.


If you would like more information or you would like help, please e-mail